


I'm so happy I finally had the chance to apply for this fanlisting, because the relation/rivalry between Imaizumi and Naruko is one of my favorite things from this series~

Both of them are tsundere, but they have different way to be like this. To say the truth, they couldn't be more different than this outside, but in the bottom of the heart, they're the same. Sometimes they think with the same brain and say the same things! XD There's no a single time they agree with each other, and their discussion are always funny.

The two of them want to show each other who is the best, and that's the reason why they spend the major part of the time fighting like cat and dog~ Also, one represents red and the other blue. They born to be the opposite, but at the same time they can't be the true themselves without the presence of the other. We can say that Imaizumi is the blue side of Naruko and vice-versa, Naruko is the red side of Imaizumi. Yes, I think this perfectly describes what they mean for each other!

I love so much their way to be friends and also rivals, and with the development of the series their bond becomes even more solid~ To be honest, I love so much how adorable they are as a trio, together with Onoda. But what they're for each other is the thing I prefer, because they represent to me how two friends have to be~

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, Akita Shonen and TMS Entertainment, all 
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picture I used to make the layout is scanned      
by hakogaku / pedaltime, the others are from and the Official Site.