You reached Sensitive heart, the fanlisting dedicated to Komatsu Nana, better known as Hachi one the two heroines of the series NANA!
Nana is a manga I read when I was a teenager. Hachi is the person who I thought I might have become if I had reached her age. We were too similar in many things. We are two dogs *laughs* and, let the truth be told, we fall in love too easily. Anyway, now that I'm even older than her, I can say for sure that this hasn't happened yet and I hope it won't in the future. I feel sentimental in this moment... Hachi is so important to me, I think I can't really find the right words to describe what I have inside my heart when I think about her. But one thing I'm sure of, at least, is that I'm happy. ❤ And I really hope to see the ending of this manga one day, I want Hachi to be happy too! ❤❤❤
Feel free to look around and don't hesitate to join the fanlisting, if you're a fan!
☆ Miriallia
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May 02, 2019: The fanlisting is up! ❤
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