You reached Against Myself, the fanlisting dedicated to Uryuu Minene, one of the main characters of the series Mirai Nikki.
Minene is my favourite female character of this series! *--* She's just too amazing!❤ I adore her determination and her will to go on and get a revenge for her past. She's a very strong character that nothing can defeat, I was really astonished everytime that something happened to her: she was never down for some reason, because what she wanted, was to fullfil her wish to change her life. And luckily, at the end, she found something more important that just a simple revenge! ❤❤
Feel free to look around and don't hesitate to join the fanlisting, if you're a fan! *--*
☆ Miriallia
Fanlisting Statistics
Script used: Enthusiast
Updated: 12th August 2024
Member count: 18
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Adilene
listed at: TAFL
part of: Wonderland
since: May 21, 2012
Fanlisting Updates
May 21, 2012: The fanlisting is up! ❤
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