Toaru Majutsu no Index: Itsuwa
Danganronpa: Maizono Sayaka
  WONDERLAND ❤ Miriallia's Fanlisting Collective ❤

❤ ~ WELCOME!!! ~ ❤

    This is Wonderland, Miriallia's fanlisting collective~!

    After an infinite amount of time, I finally menaged to make a new layout for my collective! ❤ This time I couldn't find something suitable about Lelouch and C.C., what a pity, ne? XD But I love deeply Victorique, and so I decided to make this new layout with her! ❤ I like it a lot, and I love the colours I used too! *--* In comparison to the old collective (and the other ones) this is less "warm", but I think that's sweeter. >_< I hope to keep this layout for a long time too, because I really like it! And I had so many problems when I tried to made it, so I think that every effort I made should be rewarded (?) in some ways! XDD I really hope I'll continue to love fanlistings and my sites as I do it now, this world really let people express themselves. ❤

    I don't have other things to add, so please, enjoy yourself surfing these pages and let me know if you have something to ask~!!

~ ❤ Miriallia

WONDERLAND ❤ Miriallia's Fanlisting Collective ❤



Miriallia loves 633 subjects and owns 348 loved fanlistings.

She has 27 wonderful affiliates
and the total fans across all listings is 10128 with 1 pending.

My fanlisting *--* Thanks a lot, Akira-chan<33

WONDERLAND ❤ Miriallia's Fanlisting Collective ❤

~ ❤ NEWS ❤ ~

  ~ Ogami Rei :Q___
Good afternoon!!
I've just updated Wonderland with a new fanlisting for the characters 0-M category, the one of Ogami Rei from the manga Code:Breaker! *--* I'm very excited, really! I can't wait to write something about him and start the shrine!

Here's the link if you want to check what I've done! XD

Posted on 2009 Aug 29 by Miriallia
in Nanami Chiaki
  ~ *dies*
Konban wa!!! 
OMG I really couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that I was approved for this fanlisting! I'm so happy that I didn't know how to spread my feelings... Cupid's fanlisting is mine! *--*<3 I made the layout thinking to this little god... but at the end I think that the final result makes a bit laugh... ^-^" But I like it the same! XD<3

If you want to see what I made -argh xD- here's the link! *--*

>> Love is Power! << The Cupid (Amor) fanlisting

Posted on 2009 Aug 20 by Miriallia
in Sashinami Shoko
  ~ Finally something Italian<33
Hi!! ^-^
Another update for a fanlisting approved by TheFanlistings! :D This time it is an Italian voice actor that I respect since I was a little girl! *-* I thought it was really time to built something for my country! Please, welcome my last fanlisting for Massimiliano Alto, then!

// Gifted - The Massimiliano Alto fanlisting

See you soon!
Posted on 2009 Aug 16 by Miriallia
in Haibara Ai/Miyano Shiho
  ~ Toneriko's fanlisting<333
Hiya! :D

I really can't believe I'm writing this news! X3
Since the last week was not that kind with me with my health, I believed I would built this in more time, but now it is finally here, even if I have to write all the sections.. ;__;
Anyway, if you want to have a look, here's the link! :)

♥ Fragments of Me - The Toneriko Furoribanda Fanlisting
Posted on 2009 Aug 11 by Miriallia
in Celestia Ludenberg
  ~ Ono Daisuke!
Here I am again! :)
Unfortunately is not that good period for my health, and I still have to finish some sections here, but since the fanlisting is ready and I received the finished form for both the categories, I thought I should make an update in my collective too! ^-^
In fact this time I'm updating with Ono Daisuke's fanlisting, actor of whom I love his voice and his songs!<3
Here's the link to the fanlisting, if you want to see it!

Irresistible - the Ono Daisuke fanlisting

And another big news!! *-* Today  Holo reached 25 members, I'm very happy of it, I was waiting for this first award! :D
Posted on 2009 Aug 07 by Miriallia
in Tachibana Mei, Kurosawa Yamato & Tachibana Mei

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