Toaru Majutsu no Index: Itsuwa
Danganronpa: Maizono Sayaka
  WONDERLAND ❤ Miriallia's Fanlisting Collective ❤

❤ ~ WELCOME!!! ~ ❤

    This is Wonderland, Miriallia's fanlisting collective~!

    After an infinite amount of time, I finally menaged to make a new layout for my collective! ❤ This time I couldn't find something suitable about Lelouch and C.C., what a pity, ne? XD But I love deeply Victorique, and so I decided to make this new layout with her! ❤ I like it a lot, and I love the colours I used too! *--* In comparison to the old collective (and the other ones) this is less "warm", but I think that's sweeter. >_< I hope to keep this layout for a long time too, because I really like it! And I had so many problems when I tried to made it, so I think that every effort I made should be rewarded (?) in some ways! XDD I really hope I'll continue to love fanlistings and my sites as I do it now, this world really let people express themselves. ❤

    I don't have other things to add, so please, enjoy yourself surfing these pages and let me know if you have something to ask~!!

~ ❤ Miriallia

WONDERLAND ❤ Miriallia's Fanlisting Collective ❤



Miriallia loves 633 subjects and owns 348 loved fanlistings.

She has 27 wonderful affiliates
and the total fans across all listings is 10128 with 1 pending.

My fanlisting *--* Thanks a lot, Akira-chan<33

WONDERLAND ❤ Miriallia's Fanlisting Collective ❤

~ ❤ NEWS ❤ ~

  ~ Ada Vessalius
As I said, I'm here again!
Today I finished Ada's fanlisting, I'm still so happy that I got it! *--* I'll try to colour more scans, so I can update the extras section soon!!But you can already find something, as icons and the image I coloured for the header!

Bye bye for now!
Posted on 2009 Nov 24 by Miriallia
  ~ Some updates!<3
Hi there!
Finally I have the chance to update this collective! Since the last time I wrote a news, I adopted a fanlisting and made a new one for TAFL's network! *--*
The first one I'm talking about is dedicated to 07-Ghost's Castor and adopted from my nii-san Akira K.S.! *--* Thank you so much again!!♥♥♥♥♥
The second one has been approved by TAFL and it is dedicated to the relationship between Aria Rink and Goos Suede from Tegami Bachi!
The links to the fanlistings are right here if you want to see them:
Then, I've updated Mikage's fanlisting with his profile, that I wrote with all my love for him!

You'll surely read about me here very soon, stay tuned!

Posted on 2009 Nov 21 by Miriallia
in , ,
  ~ New splash!!
As I said in my previous news, you can see now the new splash of this collective that features Ranka Lee from Macross Frontier The leading image was just too adorable, and I absolutely wanted to make something new. It is a pity that the background works well just with Firefox... 

See you soon! *_*
Posted on 2009 Oct 11 by Miriallia
  ~ Two new fanlistings
Hi! :)
I've just finished the last two fanlistings I was approved for! *-* I'm very happy to show the fanlistings for Okita Souji and Shizuka Hio! *--* The first one is co-owned with Dorothy! :D

Tomorrow I'll try to make a new splash! *__*
Posted on 2009 Oct 07 by Miriallia
in ,
  ~ New Fanlistings + Adoptions
Good evening!
I had many things to do in this period, so I haven't updated for a while... I'm sorry, dear little collective! But I hope that from today on I'll update as fast as I can, as I usually do.
So, so... I can start with two new fanlistings that I was approved for at TAFL! The one of G�rard from Fairy Tail and the one of Echo and Vincent from Pandora Hearts. I'll start to write all the informations when I'll finish my pending fanlistings.<3

Besides, I got two fanlistings in adoption and I'm really... very happy for them!!! *--*<33 I thought I really had no chances to adopt them, but I'm here, proud to show you the fanlisting dedicated to Katsuya Jonouchi & Mai Kujaku from Yu-Gi-Oh! and the one dedicated to Allelujah Haptism and Marie Parfacy (Soma Peries) from Gundam 00!!! Thanks to Manda and Mitzrael who kindly granted these wishes of mine! >//<

Moreover, I've put some fanlistings up for adoption, if you're interested, just let me know. :)

See you soon!<33
Posted on 2009 Sep 25 by Miriallia
in Komaeda Nagito, Danganronpa, Enoshima Junko, Maizono Sayaka,

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