This is Wonderland, Miriallia's fanlisting collective~!
After an infinite amount of time, I finally menaged to make a new layout for my collective! ❤ This time I couldn't find something suitable about Lelouch and C.C., what a pity, ne? XD But I love deeply Victorique, and so I decided to make this new layout with her! ❤ I like it a lot, and I love the colours I used too! *--* In comparison to the old collective (and the other ones) this is less "warm", but I think that's sweeter. >_< I hope to keep this layout for a long time too, because I really like it! And I had so many problems when I tried to made it, so I think that every effort I made should be rewarded (?) in some ways! XDD I really hope I'll continue to love fanlistings and my sites as I do it now, this world really let people express themselves. ❤
I don't have other things to add, so please, enjoy yourself surfing these pages and let me know if you have something to ask~!!
This approval was totally unexpected, and just yesterday I finished both the layouts for the fanlisting! *--* It's really a pleasure to show you the fanlisting dedicated to Nia & Simon! *--*❤ I tried to made my best to spread my love for this couple!! Thanks again for approving me, TAFL! ❤
I'm updating my collective with my two new fanlistings. They are two characters, one for 0-M category and the other one for N-Z! :D Welcome to Himekawa Elena and Akise Aru! <3 I really wish there could be more PHI Brain fanlistings... �.�
I finally found the will to update the collective! I'd like to thank again Elysa who let me adopt Anna's fanlisting! *--* I'm so happy about it, that I still can't believe it!! >__<<3 I was approved for Hamazura, Kinuhata and Takitsubo's fanlistings! *--* And the last one I finished just yesterday is Lizzie and Ciel's!
Today I menaged to finish my last upcoming fanlisting, Airi's one! *--* I had another idea of how to make the layout, but I like this one a lot, especially because of the main colour I used!
It's still half done, but the new layout for the collective is up! Tomorrow I'll try to end it all! :D In the meanwhile, you can browse the new fanlistings I've been approved for in the owned sections! +_+
My dear affiliates, I'm sorry, but tomorrow you'll surely see all your links up! <3