✿ « You must be a fan of Leivinia. ☆ »
✿ « You do not need a webpage to join, just a valid e-mail address. »
✿ « If you do have a website and are using a button, upload it into your own server, please. Please have the code up before you enlist - if the code is not up when I check your website, I will not add the site, but I will add you. »
✿ « Everyone can join this fanlist. »
✿ « Your real country is required. »
✿ « No direct link. Please, upload the image codes in free imagehosting sites such as imageshack.us, imagevenue.com or tinypic.com. Hotlinking steal the bandwidth of a site. »
✿ « You must use a valid nickname, not an offensive one, numbers, or I'll edit it when I'll add you to the list. »