
    You reached Fierce Determination, the fanlisting dedicated to Kusaribe Hakaze, one of the main characters of the series Zetsuen no Tempest.

    The thing I like the most of Hakaze is her personality. She's not selfish as she could seem... she's determinated, and in addition, she knows that she's the strongest among the magicians and she doesn't hide it! She does her best in order to help Mahiro, but only because she can have something she needs: she fights just in order to gain something from the others, but nevertheless, she does her best until the end of the "mission". She had a very difficult past and she "lives" a pretty difficult present, especially with her family, but she continues to have faith in people she trusts and especially in herself. Her will to survive and to fight against her own brother is stronger than everything else, and that becomes almost the reason of her "survival". She's very funny and she usually tries to mock the others, though in a light way. She's direct and says everything she thinks, I really adore her and I think she's the most beautiful character of this manga! *--*

    Feel free to look around and don't hesitate to join the fanlisting, if you're a fan! *--*


Fanlisting Statistics

Script used: Enthusiast
Updated: 24th July 2024
Member count: 7
Pending members: 0
Newest: Nina Ren

listed at: TAFL
part of: Wonderland
since: October 14, 2012


Fanlisting Updates

October 14, 2012: The fanlisting is up! ❤

Partnered With:

Fuwa Mahiro



Zetsuuen no Tempest is property of Shirodaira Kyou, Sano Arihide and Saizaki Ren. Layout and contents are ©Miriallia
do not steal, claim for yours or
reproduce, please.