Welcome to W A S U R E N A I D E ,

A fanlist for Namikaze Minato (the 4th Hokage), Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Naruto from the fantastic Kishimoto Masashi's manga, Naruto, approved by The Anime Fanlistings !

Please choose a link from above to fully access this site and if you're a fan of this sweet but unlucky family, feel free to join their fandom!


Fanlisting last updated on July 24, 2024 .
We have a total of: 89 members!
We have a total of: 0 pending members !

Script used: PHPfanbase 2.2
Part of Celestial Dreams
On-line since:
April 22, 2008
Owned by: Dorothy


Update: December 08, 2009
8 new codes added, thanks to the creators of the related fan-arts!


Naruto and related characters are the property of Kishimoto Masashi, Shueisha and Bandai. Layout and contents are © Dorothy.
A special THANKS to Innera for this her beautiful fanart of Minato, Kushina and Naruto togheter, it's just I needed to show: a splendid, unit family! Do not reproduce and use it without permission of the owner!