
    You reached Further and Beyond, the fanlisting dedicated to my favourite and famous artist William Shakespeare!

    I still can't believe that I was approved for this fanlisting! *--* It is like a dream to me, since Shakespeare is my favourite poet and writer. I can say that I grew up loving his pieces (and my favourite is absolutely Romeo and Juliet's tragedy) and I'm still studying them at the university right now. I really hope to expand the "about" section in a good way in the future. I'd really love to show my love for this writer in a proper way, as he deserves.

    Feel free to look around and don't hesitate to join the fanlisting, if you're a fan! ❤ ❤


Fanlisting Statistics


Script used: Enthusiast
Updated: 30th December 2024
Member count: 27
Pending Members: 0
Newest Member: Crys

listed at: TFL
part of: Wonderland
since: September 18, 2014

Fanlisting Updates

September 18, 2014: The fanlisting is up! ❤


Prince Hamlet Shakespeare in Love Juliet Fiammata Astro Capulet

Layout and contents ©Miriallia Do not reproduce or copy, please. Images are taken from Google.com, if you think they belong to you, just drop me an email and I will credit you.