♡ You're visiting Perpetual Bind, the fanlisting dedicated to the relationship between Katsuya Jonouchi & Mai Kujaku, two amazing characters of Yu-Gi-Oh!!

♡ They're from always my favourite pairing of this series, and I'll never be thankful enough to the cute Manda who granted my wish to own this fanlisting letting me adopt it in September 2009! *--*♥ Thank you so much!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

♡ Feel free to look around, and don't forget to join the fanlisting if you're a fan of them! :D



  Script used: Enthusiast
Updated: 30th December 2024
Member count: 264
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Ana
online since: September 14, 2009
listed at: The Anime Fanlistings <3
part of: Wonderland
Previous Owners: Manda, Purpleangel and Kibou


October 02 , 2011: The fanlisting reached 250 members!! Thanks a lot for the support!!! *--*
September 15, 2009:
Done!!! I've completed the section of the fanlisting with new codes and the pages I forgot to upload yesterday.. @_@ Inserted the affiliates and... I just need to write the about section, as always! XD And add something more in the extras! *-* I'll do my best as soon as I can! :)
September 14, 2009:
The fanlisting is up, I just miss some things that I'll fix tomorrow! :D

YU-GI-OH! and related characters are property of Takahashi Kazuki, Konami and Shueisha. Layout and contents are ©Miriallia do not steal or reproduce, I know you claim them as yours. Give credits if you take something.