
Hello! Welcome to "Broken Fate", the TAFL approved fanlisting dedicated to Yuki Cross , the heroine from the mysterious series Vampire Knight, created and illustrated by the great Matsuri Hino!

Yuki is an energic girl full of will to live, always ready to help the others and to fight to protect the important things.
At the begin of the story she's a member of the Day Class and she doesn't remember her past, but even if she has no memories, she lives her life looking at the future, doing her best in the present.

Yuki works as guardian of the Cross Academy, and together with Zero Kiryu, she does her best to protect the peace of the cohabitation of humans and vampires, that live and study there as Day Class and Night Class.
She has a crush on Kaname Clan (Kuran), the major representative of the Night Class, that is also her saviour, because he saved her from a bloody vampire when they were children. So he represents her first memory since she can remember.
Zero is also important for her, because they grew up together, and he's the one that more than anyone else knows Yuki's heart. Usually they spend the major part of the day together, but because of Zero's strong, tsundere personality, they always finish to have an aragument! Anyway, they're linked by the common thread of destiny~

Kaname and Zero are the two most important persons for Yuki and we can say that her life and her choises are strongly affected by their existences, but it's not just like this. She has a lot of friends that she loves and that she protects with all herself. Her heart is pure and her will is absolute, with or without Kamane and Zero.
Yuki will never be changed by someone, because she'll never accept a destiny that other people would decide for her! That's why even if she doesn't know who really she is or what is right or wrong to do, she'll always choose by herself who she wants to be, now and in future~

Yuki's true nature will be shown with the delevopment of the story, so I won't spoil it here. Feel free to visit the proper section for major informations, if you want~

I really love Yuki and I'm so proud to have the chance to take care of her fanlisting! A special thanks to the kind Rainie, that let me adopt it in April 2013!
Thanks a million, Rainie! I promise to take care of this site with all the heart!!

Please, choose a link from the left to fully access the site and if you're a fan of Yuki, feel free to join her fandom!



Script used: Enthusiast
Updated: 25th December 2024
Member count: 351
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Kelso

Part of Celestial Dreams
Since: October 14th, 2006
Owned by: Dorothy
Previous Owner: Rainie


Vampire Knight & related characters are the
property of Hino Matsuri & Hakusensha, all
rights reserved. This is a fan-site and I don't intend
to violate them. Layout and contens @Dorothy,
do not copy or reproduce  without permission.