You reached Someone Special, the fanlisting dedicated to Kurosawa Yamato, the main male character of the series Suki-tte ii na yo.
I find Yamato the charming prince that everyone is looking for! ❤ Though he had problems in the past, he understood the main ones and started a new life trying to be kind with everyone (though at times he is really TOO kind). His personality is very attractive and it is very hard to make him angry. I love the fact that he found the true love with Mei and he doesn't even think to betray her. He just want to be happy with his girlfriend and nothing more. He's not interested in the other girls either... he really can't let you think that he's betraying you. I like the fact that he loves his sister too, that makes of him a very marvelous onii-chan! ❤
Feel free to look around and don't hesitate to join the fanlisting, if you're a fan of him! *--*
☆ Miriallia
Fanlisting Statistics
Script used: Enthusiast
Updated: 29th August 2024
Member count: 8
Pending members: 0
Newest member: Whitney
listed at: TAFL
part of: Wonderland
since: March 27, 2013
Fanlisting Updates
March 27, 2013: The fanlisting is up! ❤
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