You're visiting Shinrei Tantei, the fanlisting dedicated to the mysterious and fascinating main character of the drama, manga, light novel and soon anime Shinrei Tantei Yakumo!♥

When I saw him for the first time, I though he was absolutely the kind of character I like, and in fact, when I started to know him more and more, I totally fell in love with him! He touched my heart with his story, and I admire his will to go on. I adore his personality and manners!♥ Even if he's always serious, he can be very sweet and funny! *--*

If you're a fan of him, please, don't forget to join the fanlisting! :D





Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 08th October 2024
Member count: 30
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Nina Ren

online since: December 24, 2009
listed at: & The Anime Fanlistings <3
part of: Wonderland



March 25, 2013: The fanlisting reached 25 members, thank you! ☆

December 25, 2009: The fanlisting is up! *__* Merry Christmas!!♥
December 24, 2009: The main page is up! :D

Shinrei Tantei Yakumo is property of Kaminaga Manabu, Miyako Ritsu and Akatsuki Kato. Layout and contents are ©Miriallia do not steal or reproduce.