
The series
The couple


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You've reached A mystery wrapped in an enigma, the fanlisting dedicated to the relationship between Ayuzawa Misaki & Usui Takumi, the main characters of the series Kaicho wa Maid-sama!

   I adore the relationship between Misaki and Takumi because it was very ambiguous since the beginning. They have two different, opposite personalities and yet, they attract each other. ❤ I found this very romantic! Not to mention the particular fact that Misaki is a girl who is not interested in men and that usually hates them. It’s Usui the one who manages nonchalantly to make her fell in love with him! Every time that they are together it is always funny because Misaki's tsundere personality doesn't let her show her real feelings. They will be revealed after the kiss that Usui will steal from her~ Even if he seems a person who doesn't care about anything but that is good at everything he does, he cares a lot for Misaki, she even seems to be his reason for living. He is always there when she's in trouble and makes everything -even cooking or saving her from critical situations- to take her out of the woods, even risking his own life that luckily is not that easy to break! Misaki, instead, at the beginning thinks that he's just a pervert, but in her heart, she knows very well that it is true just partially. Even if they could seem a bit ironical and everything but sentimental, they're a very romantic couple, one that can't be found in any other manga. This is because the girl is usually the one who is loved by everyone and who raises false hopes to all of them. In this case Misaki is well seen by everybody, but she doesn't show her real feelings. She does this with Usui only when she can't pretend any longer. I personally think that they're a complementary couple! ❤

    Feel free to look around and don't hesitate to join the fanlisting, if you're a fan!


Fanlisting Statistics




Script used: Enthusiast
Updated: 04th March 2024
Member count: 1
Pending Members: 0
Newest: Miriallia

listed at: TAFL
part of: Wonderland
since: 24th October 2020





Fanlisting Updates

24th October 2020: The fanlisting is up! ❤




Kaicho wa Maid-sama! is property of Fujiwara Hiro and Hakusensha.
Layout and contents are ©Miriallia do not steal or reproduce~ All the images I used
are from Google.com, if you think they belong to you, just drop me an email, I will credit you~