This is Wonderland, Miriallia's fanlisting collective~!
After an infinite amount of time, I finally menaged to make a new layout for my collective! ❤ This time I couldn't find something suitable about Lelouch and C.C., what a pity, ne? XD But I love deeply Victorique, and so I decided to make this new layout with her! ❤ I like it a lot, and I love the colours I used too! *--* In comparison to the old collective (and the other ones) this is less "warm", but I think that's sweeter. >_< I hope to keep this layout for a long time too, because I really like it! And I had so many problems when I tried to made it, so I think that every effort I made should be rewarded (?) in some ways! XDD I really hope I'll continue to love fanlistings and my sites as I do it now, this world really let people express themselves. ❤
I don't have other things to add, so please, enjoy yourself surfing these pages and let me know if you have something to ask~!!
Finally I can update saying that the new splash is reeeeeady! *w* It was a long time I wanted to use this image, in fact I already cleaned it some time ago~ Today was the day, then! >w< I'm very happy of the final result! What I wanted to add is that the words are from the opening theme of Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S, "Sisters' Noise" by fripSide and the draw is from Toaru Majutsu no Index manga by Kogino Chuya! :D
Well, even if they were approved two months ago, at the end I menaged to add Mei and Yamato's fanlistings to the collective, yay! *----* And last but not least, I decided to update Cutenews because I had problems with the old one... and since I'm not much into these kind of things, I ended up to delete all the categories... :°D I will insert them again soon~