
Hello! Welcome to "I Can't Stop Falling in Love with You", the TAFL approved fanlisting dedicated to Nanami Lucia, the heroine from the series Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, written by the great Yokote Michiko and illustrated by the awesome Pink Hanamori !

Lucia is the heroine of the story and she truly reprensents The Little Mermaid a lot! She falls in love with Kaito, a boy that she saves in the very begin of the series, and then they live a beautiful love story that ends up with a happy ending!

Lucia is an energetic girl with a strong will, and her brightness radiates who is around her. She's stubborn and never stops to listen to her heart, this is the reason why she easily fells in troubles and needs to find a solution... but she has a pure heart that is full of strength and light, so she always overcomes her limits and goes on!
Her friends (especcially Hanon) are the ones that give her courage, and in difficult moments, when she feels sad and lost, they are there to help! Kaito, also, is always ready to protect Lucia, as Lucia is always ready to protect Kaito! They are beautiful aren't they? This is how their lives become a fairytail~

Please, choose a link from the right to fully access the site, and if you're a fan of Lucia, feel free to join her fandom!


Script used: Enthusiast
Updated: 05th March 2024
Member count: 2
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Miriallia

Part of Celestial Dreams
Since: 17th May, 2022
Owner: Dorothy




Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch is the property of
Yokote Michiko
& Pink Hanamori, all rights reserved.
This is a fan-site and I don't intend to violate them.
Layout & contents ©Dorothy. The images I used to
make the layout are from ZEROCHAN & HICLIPART.
Do not copy or reproduce without permission, please.