You reached My Own Life Support, the fanlisting dedicated to the relationship between Sakamoto Ryouta and Himiko (Hemilia), the protagonists of the series BTOOOM!.
Since the first time I saw these two and the relationship that tie them together, I was in love with this couple. They're two characters that have both a different personality and past, I really think that they match each other because they're kinda complementary! *--* The affection that they prove for each other at the begin was just simbolic because it started in a game... Though it was only a game I was smitten by every word they said, the way they fight and protect each other, the words they exchanged... Everything they do is one of the most romantic things I've ever saw! And the way they meet each other in real life was just amazing! I really couldn't think of something better! *--* Sakamoto is surely in love with the image he created in his mind of her! He would even give his life to save her or make her happy! And even if Himiko is scared from men, she feels that Sakamoto is someone she can trust, though she continues to be scared at the begin... and it is understandable... T_T anyway, she will learn how to keep faith in someone and then she will trust him forever! Their relationship is deeply romantic, anyway! I really hope they will menage to escape from the island and to get married in real life too! *--*❤
Feel free to look around and don't hesitate to join the fanlisting, if you're a fan! *--*
☆ Miriallia
Fanlisting Statistics
Script used: Enthusiast
Updated: 29th July 2024
Member count: 17
Pending members: 0
Newest member: Robert pikeut
listed at: TAFL
part of: Wonderland
since: December 29, 2012
Fanlisting Updates