
Hello! Welcome to "Beyond any Logic", the TAFL approved fanlisting dedicated to Ishigami Senku and Kohaku , the main protagonists from the series Dr. Stone, written by Inagaki Riichiro and illustrated by Boichi!

Senku and Kohaku are people that don't know each other at the begin, but the way they meet is so romantic!

Without even knowing him, she was touched about his sacrifice to save Yuzuriha's life and she even fought the beast Tsukasa to avange him thinking that he was dead! Senku also saved her life spending a whole day to make her free from the three that Tsukasa destoyed to bury her alive, and everything started from there. She called him "magician" without knowing that he is a man of science, and she confessed to him without even knowing what the meaning of the word "love" is.

She is a girl born after humans' end, so she is related to the Stone World and doesn't know what technology is, and he is her opposite. Someone that grew up with technology and can't stand a paleolithic world! He also rejected her at once because he strongly thinks that love is a killer for brain and he doesn't want to lose his scientific mind. Anyway, Senku can say what he wants but after two years the two of them matured strong feelings for each other, and not only about love, because they trust each other, fight for each other, and more than anything, it doesn't matter the situation: they are always ready to save each other.
Senku hasn't realized yet how much he cares of Kohaku, but everyone around them did. I also laugh so much everytime Gen makes jokes~

Please, choose a link from the right to fully access the site, and if you're a fan of the relation between Senku and Kohaku, feel free to join their fandom!


Script used: Enthusiast
Updated: 05th March 2024
Member count: 1
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Dorothy

Part of Celestial Dreams
Since: 02nd October, 2019
Owner: Dorothy


Dr. Stone is ©Inagaki Riichiro & Boichi, all rights reserved. This is a fan-site and I don't intend to violate them. The picture I used to make the graphic are from Zerochan.net and HiClipArt. Layout and contents ©Dorothy. Do not copy or reproduce without permission.