Age: 15
Nationality: Britannian
Date of birth: 26 october 2002 a.t.B.
Zodiacal Sign: Libra
Height: unknown
Blood: AB
Nicknames: -
Seiyuu: Gotou Yuko

Anya belongs to the Knight of Rounds, and her position is the sixth.
She always says she's bored, even when she's on her Knightmare Frame. She likes to take photos with the mobile with which she updates her blog. One of the things that distinguish herself is the tattoo she has on her left arm. She has a mysterious past.
Anya pilotes the Knightmare Frame Mordred.
Going on the story, Anya tells that she has no memory of her past and it's because of this that she always takes picture, so she can record something about her life. She stayed for a while in the Ashford Academy with Gino, in order to spy Lelouch's movements.
During a battle, she had a contact with C.C.'s Akatsuki, and she felt something that is still unrevealed.

Code GEASS - Hangyaku no Lelouch and related characters are property of Sunrise and CLAMP. Layout and contents are ©Miriallia Do NOT steal or reproduce.