W E L C O M E ! !


This is Étoile, the fanlisting dedicated to the great singer and actresses Hirano Aya!
I couldn't believe to my eyes when I saw the approval in my inbox, I'm so happy of it, thank you TFL!! *-* She's absolutey one of my favourite artists, I love her voice, both as singer and seiyuu! I worked hard to this layout, but I'm not satisfacted, I think I'll change it soon in the future! :)

If you're a fan of her as me, please, don't hesitate to join the listing!


Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 30th December 2024
Member count: 48
Pending members: 0
Newest members: John Doe

online since: 24.12.2008
listed at:
part of: Wonderland
owner: Miriallia


December, 24 2008: The fanlisting is up! :D Merry Christmas!

Layout and contents ©Miriallia