
Hello! Welcome to "Love means Forever", the TAFL and TFL approved fanlisting dedicated to the relationship between Yuuki Asuna (Asuna) and Kirigaya Kazuto (Kirito) , the heroes from the series Sword Art Online, created by the great Kawahara Reki and illustrated by the awesome Abec!

Asuna and Kirito are the first characters I met that become an enduring couple in the first volume of a fantasy novel, and that in future are always in love with each other. Surely, difficult moments and an averse destiny try to separete them, but I was totally surprised finding how deep and strong their feelings are, because Asuna and Kirito can't stop to follow their hearts, always turning back to each other whatever it could take.

Please, choose a link from the left to fully access the site, and if you're a fan of Asuna and Kirito , feel free to join their fandom!


Script used: Enthusiast
Updated: 24th July 2024
Member count: 45
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Christina

Part of Celestial Dreams
On-line since: 05th June, 2012
Owned by: Dorothy



Yuuki Asuna
Sword Art Online is the property of
Kuwahara Reki, Abec, Dengeki Bunko & ASCII Media Works, all rights reserved.
This is a fan-site and I don't intend
to violate them. Layout and contents
©Dorothy. Do not copy or reproduce.