
    You reached My own Belief, the fanlisting dedicated to Akashi Seijuro, one of the main characters of the series Kuroko no Basket.

    Though he's mostly calm and concise, he has a neat personality that let him decide that he's always right because he had never lost a match... so, as long as he continues to win, he's sure to be strong. He also has a mad personality because, thinking like this, he's kinda... crazy when someone doesn't agree with him, as when he attacked Taiga... though I always can't stop laughing when I think to that moment! XD In brief, I consider him the reincarnation of insanity! And it is because of this that I like him so much!❤

    Feel free to look around and don't hesitate to join the fanlisting, if you're a fan! *--*


Fanlisting Statistics


Script used: Enthusiast
Updated: 12th February 2025
Member count: 19
Pending members: 0
Newest: Kupo

listed at: TAFL
part of: Wonderland
since: August 13, 2012


Fanlisting Updates

August 13, 2012: The fanlisting is up! ❤

Partnered with

Kise Ryota

Kuroko no Basket is property of Tadatoshi Fujimaki and Shueisha. Layout and contents are ©Miriallia do not steal, claim for yours or reproduce, please.